A new set-up at the MAXXI: it is really the place to be!! - Vavitour
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A new set-up at the MAXXI: it is really the place to be!!


A brand new set-up of the MAXXI‘s art and architectural collections reveals a new way to live Rome most famous contemporary art museum. A real revolution into the huge museum’s structure that, as a definition from the beginning, does n0t have a real structure, not one itinerary, not one path. if Zaha Hadid in her original project did believe in the idea of flow, disorientation and drift that she wanted to achieve in the MAXXI, finally we have – and maybe for the first time – a very good way to interpret it. At least a good way to display the permanent collection in large scale, as it never happened so far.


The Place to be is the title of this new rearrangement of the collections, that is our relationship with the world, our way to live in this world. No better definition for a collection that has 2 souls, Art and Architecture which have been always in relation each others.

In the upstairs galleries, we find then: The other city which starts with a focus on the city of Rome, the way it has inspired, and No place like home that is mostly based on the space of living, definitely a more intimate theme. Two similar subjects investigated from art and architecture point of views.


The solo exhibition dedicated to Piero Gilardi in the central gallery is a very fun full immersion in nature, as it says the title of the exhibition Forever nature. Nature is re-invented though, because his research has always focused on a contemporary understanding of the relationship between man and nature. Nature in the XXI century, when the ecologic problems must be screamed and in the same moment ironically exorcized.

Very very funny all the interactive installations that everybody can play with.

massi-rome-gilardi-exhibition-view maxxi-rome-view-exhibition

At the end of the tour, don’t miss the brand new refurbished space of bookshop and café, it is amazing and truly inspiring if you need to relax for a while!

If you want to visit the brand new exhibitions and set-up of the Maxxi with me please contact me here.